Incident Report Form

A form for recording and reporting workplace safety incidents, such as injuries, illnesses, dangerous occurrences and near misses.


Product Details

Strongly recommended for all workplaces in Australia, this form helps you to meet your legal obligations to manage risks to health and safety. This is an important document for workplaces in all industries, including low risk workplaces. It contains all the relevant fields to meet the requirements of a Register of Injuries (a legal requirement in NSW) and is suitable for use in all other states. This is a simple, clean, 4-page form that includes:

  • Details of the injured person (if there is one)
  • Details of the incident
  • Identification of the contributing factors
  • Incident follow-up
  • Corrective actions
  • Employer sign-off
  • Information about notification to the regulator (if required)

It is important to record all safety incidents at your workplace, not just when someone was injured. This form can be used to record all kinds of incidents, including dangerous occurrences (like spills, collisions, fires, electric shock or property damage), near misses, or instances of violence or aggression.

Acacia Safety Consulting’s WHS forms and documents are fully editable Microsoft Word or Excel files that can be customised to include your own content and branding, including your business name, logo, fonts and colours. Customisation instructions are included with each purchase, or you can add our custom branding service to your order if you prefer.

All documents are fully compliant with Australian WHS legislation. Please note that digital products from Acacia Safety Consulting are subject to our Terms of Use.